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What's happening?

Sometimes it seems to be really quiet around here in Ubiquity-Land. Almost as the System is dying slowly? WRONG! There is so much more in the Pipeline as ever before! I will take you on a trip to the different publishers who writing content for the best Game-Engine ever right now!

Exile Games-Where it all began
Jeff Combo had a rough time after his last Kickstarter for a adventure book in his Mars-Pulp Setting. He is in a better state now, and is writing the adventures for the red planet. So be ready to whoop some Martian warriors asses und kiss some Martian princesses, or vice versa. Whatever floats your boat. Not Judging.
More details at the last Kickstarter Update A New Dawn on Mars 

Clockwork Publishing – The Germans that reawakened Space:1889
We spoken about Mars? Let us stay on this planet a little while longer. The new Space:1889 is a fairly sucessful Game in Germany with a big bunch of authors who produce a hand full products every year. They have translated some of this Victorian goodness in English and the players around the world seems to like it. Now they want to translate the newest source book, something what all the old Space:1889 players asked for. MARS! The Kickstarter to finance this endeavour is live for some time now. It has 21 more days to go and is at 165% of the goal. Check it out if you want to help them and give them an incentive to translate even more books. For new players there are even some levels to get all the Space:1889 stuff so far for a good price.

Triple Ace Games – The machine who writes roleplaygames
The output of this publisher is frightening for me, who struggles months to write some pages for a book. In my opinion Wiggy Wade Williams is the proof that our robot overlords have arrived, and they love writing really good Ubiquity Games. For the „Leagues of Gothic Horror“ -Line is an adventure announced „Ghost Writer“ about an vengeful ghost who want his credits. For the long time silent line „All for One“ the last year successful founded „Satans Playground“, a supplement for the Thirty Year's War, will finished about a year after the end of the Kickstarter. In August 2018.

Quantum Black Games – The New Kidz on the Block
The Urban Fantasy/Near Future/Dystopia Game about monster hunting corporations has successful closed there funding for the first supplement „Quantum Black Dark Designs“, which sounds like a Compendium. More Weapons, more Drones, more about the world, … will be fun to read and steal the best part for my own campaigns.
Release date is September 2018.

Roan – Dieselpunk meets my little Pony
Yeah...this is a game that you love, hate or ignore. I myself did not have it in my shelf or on my computer, so I can`t say much about it. It`s Ponys in a Fantasy World which is fairly pulpy. Looks like WW2 if it is made by a chidren book author. On LSD. Check it out yourself. In his Blog the author writes, he hopes to release his first adventure at the end of the month. Wish him luck!


The Black Campell – Pulpy adventures for your Ubiquity-Games
Under this Sign Scott Rhymer released some classic fashioned Pulp Era adventures using Ubiquity on Drive Thru. Did not have the chance to play one, but the synopsis sounds promising. His current projects are really cool. He is writing Sky Pirates of the Mediterranean and Airships of the Pulp Era. I'm really thrilled for this source books! Out in late July and September.

Danger Magnet Presents – new official licensed HEX stuff
There is much activity here. There Webpage is steadily filling with content. Last Friday they released their first Free Scenario, and will have new content every day of the work week. Check them out on their site or on Facebook, this Guys&Girls are really fun to watch. If you go to Facebook, vote TORCH! You will understand.
They planning to start a Kickstarter for a new adventure at the 26. this month. I will report about it.

In Germany the Uhrwerk Verlag (which Englisch equivalent is Clockwork publishing) is releasing more an more Space:1889 Stuff. In the pipeline are a Campaign about the Phaetons, the mystic first planet-faring race of the solar system, a book about and adventure in Paris at the World Fair, a source book about earth, and a book about the Sky Captains of Mars are my personal highlights!

This was much more to write, then I anticipated. Hope you enjoyed reading it. Did I forgot anything? Want to share your home made Ubiquity-Stuff? Send me a message!




  1. Thanks for covering all these wonderful projects! I look forward to many updates in the future.


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