Welcome my fellow Roleplayers,
this will be a Blog about the different games which uses the Ubiquity rules. I will give you news about official stuff from the publishers, what's in the making and what's hitting the shelf. Is there a new Kickstarter or a Preorder?
You have some news you want to share? Hit me here, on Facebook or Google+.
The second reason to make this Blog is, to share all the fantastic stuff you fans out there made for your Ubiquity games with all the other gamers out there. I will try to find something at least once a week. This way the Download-Section will grow over time.
You made some Stuff you want to share? Hit me here, on Facebook or Google+.
I'm from Germany and English is my second language. I will make my posts in both languages. Please feel free to ignore everything with the label "Deutsch", it`s the same content. Maybe with less grammatical errors. Maybe...
Hope you will enjoy this Blog,
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