Uhrwerk Verlag German/Deutsche Version of/von Hollow Earth Expedition & Space:1889Exile Game Studio Hollow Earth Expedition - where it all started
Danger Magnets Presents Adventures for Hollow Earth & Style Chips - at the beginning
Triple Ace Games All for One, Leagues of Adventure, Leagues of Gothic Horror, Daring Tales of Adventures - the output of this guys is breathtaking
Greymalkin Designs Desolation - this Game is completed
Roan Roan - a Pony-RPG
Quantum Black Games Quantum Black - the New Kids on the Block
Black Campbell Entertainment Adventures for the Pulp-Era - there will be Airships
Ubiquity Site about Ubiquity. Very helpful list with all the games. Some Downloads.
Mythic Eras Another site with some interesting downloads for your games!
HEXpedia A Wiki-Project for Hollow Earth. Could use some love.